Chiropractic Care for Functional Health & Healing
Many people think that you go to chiropractor for back pain. That is true but there is so much more that chiropractic adjustments can help with. This is a spinal nerve chart.
Spinal Nerve Chart
It lists every vertebra and nerve in your spine and shows the corresponding organ, cell, or tissue that it controls. When your spine is in alignment, there is no pressure on your nerves, therefore, your nervous system can function optimally. When your spine is out of alignment, this puts pressure on your nerves, and can not only cause pain, but can also affect the function of that body part that it goes to.
Take for instance, your adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands are controlled through the nerves of your 9th Thoracic Vertebra. If we feel on examination, or see on an x-ray, that your spine is out of alignment in that area, then your adrenal glands cannot function optimally. And unfortunately, you are not always going to have pain to know that the problem is there. Only 10% of your nerves detect pain, so that means that 90% of the time when you have a pinched nerve, you don’t feel any pain. Most people are symptom oriented, which means they aren’t proactive with their health unless they are experiencing symptoms. If this goes undetected for years, then your chances are greater of having malfunction in that organ system.
When we are assessing a patient, we not only examine their spine, but we also take spinal x-rays. X-rays are very important to analyze the specifics of what vertebrae are out of alignment and if there is any corresponding degeneration along with it potentially causing any of their health issues. If you are having headaches, sinus, or allergy problems, we look at your 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae. For stomach issues, we look at your 6th Thoracic Vertebra; for any type of bladder, prostate, or uterine issues, we look at your 3rd Lumbar vertebra, and so forth. By assessing this on an x-ray, we can be much more specific with your treatment plan leading to much greater results.
By not treating your bad posture and spinal misalignments, this can add to your existing and future health problems. This is why chiropractic care is such an important part of your treatment plan. A healthy nervous system is a key component for optimal health & healing.
Call us today or book an appointment to see how our services can benefit you!